Sunday Meetings
Morning Worship

Every Sunday we get together and meet at 10:30am in the Acts Centre. We spend the first 20 to 30 minutes together catching up after the week over a cup of tea and coffee along with cake and biscuits. We then have a time of worship, (singing together to celebrate what God has done for us) and listen to a short talk which aims to help us all to grow in our faith and to live out this faith in our daily lives.
We also provide Kid’s Church groups for 4-8 and 9-12 year olds and a play area for parents with children who are under 4 to use during the main talk.

Acts Choir
We now have a team of singers to lead us in worship every Sunday instead of relying on YouTube videos and this has made a real difference to our worship times – thank you everyone and especially to Trisa for organising and leading the choir. Have a look at some of our recorded services on YouTube to see the choir in action! @actscommunitychurch188
If you would like to be involved, please see Trisa or contact the Church Elders on

Life Together
Here at Acts we have a range of activities and events going on through the weeks and months to help us look after our physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being. Have a look at some of the things we have going on below and get in touch with us if you’d like to join any of them.
Please also add us on Facebook to stay up to date with any immediate news.

Caffi Croeso@Acts
10.00am – 2.00pm every Friday on the middle floor of Acts. Come along for good, fresh food and ground coffee at affordable prices. Follow the link below for further information.

When we encounter God… everything changes. We meet together weekly on a Tuesday to create a space for us to encounter God by sharing time together, learning, praying and supporting each other.
Warm Welcome

Memory Lane Dementia Friendly Cafe

We have recently started our monthly Memory Lane cafe to provide support and friendship to families living with Dementia. We meet on the last Tuesday of every month for chat, cake and a cuppa. We would love to see you there!
TylorsTeam after school club
We now hold an after school club for Years 4 and 5 from Tylorstown Primary School every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. The children have lots of fun doing activities, games, cooking and crafts and they also enjoy a healthy snack. The club is run by our Community Team, Peter and Isabel, alongside our faithful volunteers.

Out and About in the Community

Sole to Soul
Our walking group meet regularly, usually on a Saturday. All ages and all abilities welcome.

Christmas Hampers
Every year we put together Christmas Hampers full of seasonal goodies to distribute to those most in need in our community.

Santa Sleigh Run
For the past three years we have organised a Santa Sleigh run around the streets of Tylorstown. It is an event not to be missed! It is fantastic to see all the smiling faces, both old and young as they wave to Santa as he passes by. The elves keep busy handing out candy canes to all the spectators!

Rhondda Foodbank
If you’d like to volunteer or if you need support, then please click here.